How do I get my new username and password?


 CC Student Username and Password Login Instructions
Please read before you begin

DO NOT use the “Google Chrome Browser”, for the password change, it will NOT work.

Go to: , and choose, “Current Students

Select:  MYCCINFO, it will bring you to the login page.
          Username:  firstname.lastname    (all lower case, no spaces)

          Password:  An email should have been sent to you with your temporary password that is a random                string of characters

          Create and Change your password! 
           You must follow the myccinfo directions exactly. Password must be 12 characters, must contain a                 number, must contain a special character, must have an upper case letter and lower case letter, and               must not contain any part of you name (3 consecutive characters will cause the error)

                  Example passwords:    The#1Friends    Moviesare$70    5Kittenspurring!   

          *Write down your new password, you are the only one who knows it.
              (Every time your myccinfo password is changed, your new password
               will become your password for all of your Casper College accounts.)

Your username and the password you created in myccinfo will be used to log in to:
MyCCInfo, ClassLink, Moodle4Me, Library Databases, Lab computers, CC Gmail,
and the, “Casper College wireless data link”, that requires your login.

STEP #2  ClassLink
Select:  ClassLink       
            Log in in with your firstname.lastname and the password you created in MYCCINFO.

            ClassLink will then prompt you to setup two factor authentication with DUO please download the DUO                    Mobile app and follow the instructions prompted on the screen

STEP #3  Casper College Email/Gmail account
Select:  Gmail Envelope Icon inside ClassLink, or open a login page        

            Log in with your entire Casper College Email address:                  

               and the password you created in MYCCINFO

              you will prompted to approve a duo notification if you have not set up DUO download the DUO                      Mobile app and then follow the instructions on screen to set up two factor authentication


STEP #4  Moodle Online Classes       
Select:  Moodle4Me

            Log in with your firstname.lastname and the password you created in MYCCINFO.
      If your classes do not show up on the first scheduled day of class
            please call Teresa in the Digital Learning Center, at 307-268-3882.

For assistance please call the Help Desk 307-268-3648

  • Last Updated Jul 20, 2023
  • Views 1656
  • Answered By Sarah Mailloux

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